Thursday, 19 November 2015

Framing The Digital Divide

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a such as desktop computers, mobile phones and internet, has fundamentally changed our society as these modern means of communication can ”empower people, benefit business and individual and virtually link people around the world to share their views, ideas and innovations”.
History of Digital Divide

Historically, the term digital divide rose publicly in the mid-1990s as the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) survey (1995), as cited in Servon, identified the existence of a divide which “separates people with access to information technology from those without it” in America. Castells (2002), as cited in Fuchs & Horak (2008, p.248), identifies digital divide as “inequality to the internet” while Norris defines it as
“any and every disparities within the online community”. Dijk sees digital divide as “the gap between those who do and do not have access to computers and internet”. Similarly, concludes it as “the 44 Framing The Digital Divide lost of opportunity for the information have-nots to use ICT to improve their lives”. In short, the digital divide can be understood as disparities in access to
information and communication technologies.
For example, documented that there were only around 14 million phone connections in whole Africa compared with Manhattan and Tokyo which were doubled in number. The International Telecommunications Union (2000), as cited in Wolf & MacKinnon recorded that about 77 million computers in America already have direct access to internet, while in Bangladesh, Angola, Chad and Syria less than ten computers are online.

Multifaceted Nature of the Informations

Most people believe that there are several factors to explain why the developing countries are trapped in “the information have-nots”. First factor is the market influence which correlates to high price of computers and internet services in developing countries. Second is unequal investment in infrastructure that suggests inadequate provision of high-end telecommunications facilities, and lastly, discrimination which implies in unbalanced usage of ICT due to ethnic group’s sentiment.

In other words, in order to use internet productively, people must acquire cognitive skills such as ability in seeking information and finding different types of information. Without skills, the presence of access will be worthless. Another dimension of digital divide is related to content.

As Giri argues that “a major gap has always existed between affluent people living in developed societies with an access to modern information technology and underprivileged people living in many parts rural communities in underdeveloped countries”, it is understandable if the digital divide reflects broader context of social and economic relations between developed and developing countries.

Study Case of Association of Progressive Communications (APC)

The Association of Progressive Communications (APC) was established in 1990. APC is an international non-governmental organization and a network which 50 members are widespread in five continents around the globe, the majority is based in developing countries. Currently, APC works on two broad levels of digital divide bridging effort; practice and policies.

APC members designated six strategic priorities for the network until 2012:
1. Advocate for affordable internet access for all
2. Secure and defend internet rights
3. Use emerging technologies for social change
4. Make technology work to sustain the environment
5. Build the information-commons
6. Improve governance, especially internet governance.

Indonesia and the Digital Divide

By the 21st century, technology developments have dominated the manner in which people live their life. One of notable discussions is regarding the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) inevitable infiltration to the society’s daily basis activities. Some scholars even support this discussion by purposing that the presence of ICT has had significant implications for societal life. Indonesia, in this point, has also experiencing the same condition. As reflected by Nugroho that the country, for some people, is “communication heaven”. In fact, it is categorized as one of developing countries 48 Framing The Digital Divide that alleviating its position from the “information have-nots” to those in “the information haves” due to the country’s progressive ICT development. Internet usage in Indonesia started to increase as platforms to access the net were provided more widely. The growing number of Warung Internet /Internet Cafes (Warnet) was one significant factor that had contributed greatly to the Ict adoption among Indonesians. Another crusial elemen that magnified the ICT adoption among Indonesians, especially youngster, is the distribution of cheap mobile phones equipped with large iternet capacity.

Thursday, 5 November 2015


They say that if you want something to be done well, do it yourself. So I follow this wise saying and would like to introduce myself. I believe that it isn't an easy thing to speak about yourself as it's hard to have a look at yourself from aside but at the same time who knows you better than you yourself do?

My name Abdurrahman Wahid. I was called by the nickname of first or Adi. Many asked about my nickname (Adi) which confuse some people (friends). Because the adi name is not in the full name like most ordinary people took the nickname in one of the full name. I could only smile or laugh to answer. Because I don’t know why I can be summoned with a greeting (Adi) is. In keeping with the name, I was the first child of two brothers. My sister called ica are now going to school high school class 1 high school in Al-Kautsar. I was born on 15 July 1995 in the city of Bandar Lampung that precisely now that I am 20 years old. My hobbies are quite a lot, but I prefer the field sports such as Football, Swimming, Basketball and Baseball. In addition, I also really like the name of technology. The virtual world is a place where I acquire various forms of change and development of science significantly. Why is that? Because I once knew cyberspace, I seemed to fall in love with the various forms of existing technology. Such as social media, the world of information, doing business in the digital world, and various forms of very broad knowledge I have gained. Before I get to know the virtual world, I prefer to know in advance the game world.

Starting from the game on the computer, I began to venture into the internet world. Because the game was more use of the Internet than not using the Internet. And over time I became obsessed to continue to learn more about any of the content of the internet. So at that time I've become a better control of the virtual world than my friends the other. I learned the value of learning and information technology always get a very good value. And friends very much to ask for help and learn with me on the subject of technology and information. As if I had become an important part of school first. That is where I'm happy with what I have learned about the technology that I was interested. And also with this technology, I was able to additionally received a positive value. For example I use technology to do business and generate profits. This is a brief introduction of myself. 

See you next time.


Saturday, 17 October 2015

Line Viewers 2015

Spesial edition for public

Thanks to Allah SWT

Line Trial 


- View All Chat
- Hacking Account 
- TRIAL !!! 

Screenshot 1 

Screenshot 2


Sunday, 23 August 2015

New AntiVirus 2015 From Indonesia


Guard Vast AntiVirus terbaru 2015.

-Anti Malware
-Anti Spamming programm
-Anti Trojan
-Anti Kuda Troya
-Anti Worm
-Protected All Files SystemYour Computer
-Auto Update
And Many More



Screenshot 2


Sunday, 5 July 2015

insta evo v3.7 | 2015


Screenshot 1 


Screenshot 2 


Screenshot 3 


Screenshot 4 


Screenshot 5 


Screenshot 6 


Screenshot 7 








Tuesday, 30 June 2015

New Free HTML5 CSS3 jQuery DropDown Menu 2015

Dikesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan DropDown menu yang menarik dan layak untuk kamu coba di website masing masing. Karena ini adalah salah satu cara agar tampilan website kamu lebih memikat oleh para pengungjung. Dan juga pastinya bisa meningkatkan jumlah pengunjung situs kamu perharinya.

Dropy | A Simple SCSS & jQuery dropdown

Just a simple dropdown using SCSS and jQuery.

dropy scss dropdown

Dropdown Menu UI

Perfect menu

dropdown menu ui


Country flag selector

All country flag selector with flags and country code.



Custom Select menu

A floating dropdown for a modern website template.

custom dropdown


Simple dropdown-menu

Inspired by a dribble shot this is one flat design for dropdown menu.

simple dropdown list


Dropdown Menu Animation

Fancy, little animation for a dropdown menu or list. Using CSS3 animations and jQuery.

Classic Dropdown


Simple drop-down list effects

A jQuery plugin for transforming select inputs into drop-down lists with some simple expanding effects.

simple effects list


Nah gimana?
Lumayan menarik dan bagus bagus bukan.
Silahkan dicoba, kalau error ya maklum harap bersabar saja hehe.

See You!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Cara Decode Javascript Unescape dan Unicode 2015

Kali ini akan dibahas tentang cara decode script yang telah diubah menjadi code Javascript, lalu kemudian menjadi Javascript Unescape. Encode tersebut dilakukan untuk mencegah pengunjung website Anda membaca halaman script HTML web Anda.

Simak caranya decode-nya dibawah ini:

1. Pertama-tama kita ambil contoh code Javascript Unescape:

<script Language='Javascript'>

2. Download dan install Notepad++

3. Dari code Javascript Unescape di atas, ambil hanya code ini saja:


Copy dan paste-kan ke Notepad++

4. Setelah Anda paste ke Notepad ++, tekan tombol CTRL+F lalu pilih tab Find. Pada bagian Find what, ketik: %. Pada bagian Replace with, tekan tombol keyboard space 1x. Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat gambar:
Cara Decode Javascript Unescape dan Unicode Characters 
Demikianlah cara decode Javascript Unescape dan Unicode Characters, selamat mencoba dan semoga bermanfaat.

Software perekam layar komputer terbaru

Sudah sering sekali kita melihat tutorial mengenai berbagai macam cara untuk membuat penjelasan tentang sesuatu hal yang kita jelaskan agar lebih mudah dipahami oleh orang lain. Salah satunya dengan cara merekam aktifitas layar monitor komputer itu sendiri.

Saya sudah sering kali menggunakan berbagai macam bentuk software perekam terbaik yang pernah saya coba. Oleh karena itu dikesempatan ini saya akan membagikan beberapa software perekam aktifitas monitor terbaik yang pernah saya coba.

Cam Studio
CamStudio merakam semua aktifitas desktop baik suara dari mic ataupun dari komputer anda, hasil dari record/capture CamStudio adalah AVI dan .swf yang sangat cocok untuk anda jadikan sebagai alat presentasi atau tutorial pada site (streaming video)

Jing screenshot dan screen cast video capture merekam aktifitas layar komputer/ desktop dengan fitur kemudahan berbagi (upload) dan fitur editing standar untuk melengkapi pesan ayang andai nginkan pada video tutorial atau presentasi anda 

Bandicam untuk anda yang butuh kualitas video yang mendekati aslinya, kemampuan Bandicam jauh lebih baik dibandingkan (fraps) dalam hal merekam/record/screencast video desktop untuk dijadikan video tutorial ataupun presentasi.

PlayClaw video screencast/ rekam/capture untuk gamers yang ingin unjuk kemampuan atau trik cara memainkan atau memenangkan sebuah game, PlayClaw dibuat khusus untuk para gamer yang ingin berbagi tips dan trik dalam memenangkan sebuah permainan game line ataupun online. 

ActivePresenter fitur cukup lengkap untuk sebuah software screencast rekam capture edit video, sound, pada desktop, dengan software ini kebutuhan anda membuat video tutorial/ presentasi produk akan jadi lebih mudah dan lebih interaktif , ActivePresenter juga memiliki pilihan export file yang lengkap (flash,avi,html,mpg dll)

Ezvid bukan sekedar video screen recor/capture/rekam saja namun lengkap dengan editing video juga, buat and yang mencari software screen cast untuk presentasi atau buat video tutorial program ini cocok untuk anda coba dan jajal kemampuannya, sayangnya besar filenya cukup menguras koneksi internet anda. 

HyperCam merakam aktifitas dekstop dan menyimpannya dalam bentuk AVI , suara dari microphone atau dari komputer anda dapat direkam dengan jelas namun HyperCamtidak support untuk merekam video dari ( yang dihasilkan) media player seperti windows media player, KMP, VLC dll 

Itulah beberapa yang dapat saya berikan mengenai beberapa software perekam layar komputer terbaik. Semoga bermanfaat :)
See You Next Time!

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Script Login Sederhana dengan PHP dan MySQL terbaru 2015

Assalamualaikum :)
Apa kabar anda hari ini?
Semoga masih diberikan kesehatan dan dapat menerima berbagai ilmu dan wawasan di kesempatan yang baik kali ini.

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang:

atau yang lebih tepatnya saya akan membahas script login sederhana.
Langsung saja kita ke langkah pertama:


Pertama kita harus membuat sebuah database baru dulu , misalnya kita membuat database menggunakan nama latihan 

Jika sudah membuat databse tadi kemudian buat table baru , untuk table baru ini kita beri nama userlogin dan banyak kolom nya itu 3

Jika sudah kemudian atur pengaturan kolom table nya seperti ini 
Id : type = int , length/value=10 , Null , index = PRIMARY , A I 
User : type = Varchar , length/value = 225
Password : type = Varchar , length/value = 225
Jika sudah kemudian kita masukan langsung data nya dengan cara klik menu insert di menu bar phpmyadmin nya , lihat gambar di bawah ini

lalu mencul form isian seperti di bawah ini

Untuk baris id di kosongkan saja karena nanti akan diisi secara otomatis , dan untuk baris user diisi admin saja , dan untuk baris pass diisi admin juga dan di tambahkan enkripsi MD5
Nah tadi kita sudah membuat database beserta tablenya sekaligus mingisinya, sekarang kita buka dulu sebuah text editor , bisa notepad++ , sublimet text 2, dreamweaper atau sebagainya . Tetapi kali ini saya akan menggunakan sublime text 2 : begini tampilan sublime text 2 nya .

Sebelum kita memulai ngoding saya sarankan anda membuat sebuah folder baru dulu di htdocs dengan nama folder LATIHAN dan di dalam folder LATIHAN itu anda buat folder baru lagi dengan nama latihan_login1 , seperti ini , 

Nah jika folder latihan_login1 dan software text editor anda sudah siap , sekarang saatnya kita ngoding script loginnya.
Oke , buat langsugn dokumen baru dan ketik kode di bawah ini
Mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); //mengkoneksikan dengan host
Mysql_select_db("latihan"); //memilih database
Dan kemudian simpan di folder tadi dengan nama config.php file config.php ini akan kita gunakan sebagai file untuk mengkoneksikan dengan database yang telah kita buat tadi.
Selanjutnya buat dokumen baru lagi dan beri nama index.php , jika sudah kemudian ketik kode di bawah ini :
if(!$_SESSION["username"] or !$_SESSION["password"]){
header("location:login.php"); //jika session username atau password tidak ada maka alihkan ke halaman login
//jika kedua session itu lengkap maka tampilkan halaman index ini
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Selamat datang</title>
<br/> <a href="logout.php">Logout</a>
File index.php ini akan kita gunakan sebagai halaman yang jika kita berhasil login nanti kita akan di alihkan ke halaman ini.
Setelah anda simpan , kemudian anda buat dokumen baru lagi dan beri nama login.php lalu anda ketik kode dibawah ini 
if(@$_SESSION["username"] or @$_SESSION["password"]){
header("location:index.php"); //jika session username atau password ada maka alihkan ke halaman index
//jika kedua session itu tidak ada maka tampilkan halaman login ini
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Logi dulu bro</title>
$user = $_POST["user"];
$pass = md5($_POST["pass"]);
$cek = mysql_query("select*from userlogin where user='$user' and pass='$pass' LIMIT 1");
$hit = mysql_num_rows($cek);
if($hit < 1){
$_SESSION["username"] = 1;
$_SESSION["password"] = 1;
  <form name="fform" action="" method="post">
  <h3>Login user</h3>
  Username : <input type="text" name="user"/> <br/>
  Password : <input type="password" name="pass"/> </br>
  <input type="submit" value="login" name="tombol"/>
dan jika anda mengikuti tutorial ini dengan benar , maka beginilah hasilnya :

tampilan ketika di form login

hasil jika sukses login

nah untuk proses logout nya , anda hanya perlu membuat file baru lagi bernama logout.php , dan ketik kodenya seperti di bawah ini :


session_destroy(); //hancurkan semua session yang ada

alert("Anda berhasil logout");
document.location.href="login.php"; //jika logout berhasil , alihkan ke halaman login

Finish!, mungkin itu dulu tutorial untuk kali ini , sampai jumpa di tutorial selanjutnya.
Lumayan mudah kan?
atau lumayan mumet? HAHA

Terus berusaha ya.. Pasti bisa..
OK itu dulu ya untuk kesempatan kali ini.
Good Luck Everyone!

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